I used to lower myself each and every time so that people would like me.
I used to think that I was simply not enough and thought that I never would be until I realized the power within me.
I now realize that the more still and quiet that I am, the more I understand. I see that there is so much to be grateful for.
The mere fact that I am here, alive, is something beautiful and worth being happy about.
I look around me and I see everything that I have created.
A happy home, a beautiful and understanding husband, and a wonderfully created little girl that chose us to be her parents to guide in this lifetime.
I have a beautiful mind that, although it does a good job at keeping me safe, also holds the ability to show me how good life can be when I allow it to.
I now realize that doing this energy work of writing, meditating, loving myself, and simply being with myself is exactly what opens the vortex to all of the things that I desire to experience in this physical world.
I used to think that I was not as βluckyβ as others were to have things that I wanted and deeply desired. I used to be a victim and operate from that version.
This version that I am today is a powerful one.
One that has seen the absolute worst parts of herself and has turned into something magical and beautiful.
Something worth sharing with the world simply because I see the value in it.
I see that there is so much more to life than what the physical world shows right now.
I love everything about this version of myself because she knows her worth and she understands \what it means to love without fear.
Without expectations. Without guilt. Itβs an understanding that I come first, and then the universal intelligence, or God, responds to.
Today I am my unapologetic self and I choose to get uncomfortable so that you can also see your worth.
I love you. You are worth it.
-Estefania Tijerina